
Posts Tagged ‘Boredom’

Yesterday I had a small attack of the Can’t Helpits. That is a condition where you feel all a bit wrong, a bit down but not seriously so. You don’t want to do what you’re doing but you can’t think of a better alternative. After a week in which H had been working like a demon in the office, I was a bit babied out. May Blossom has been a dream lately, sleeping well, eating well and generally being an utter delight to be around, but that means I haven’t felt a desperate need to have a break from her at all. So we’d been in each others’ faces for over a week with no downtime except when asleep. I was ready for a bit of time to myself.

But I couldn’t think what to do. I wanted a nap, but couldn’t sleep. Leaving May Blossom with H, I shufflestomped (yes, exactly like a petulant teenager OMG SHUT UP you don’t understand me) up the road and ate a slice of pizza and drank an iced coffee. I browsed through the bookshop. I wandered into a nail bar and sat in a massage chair that felt like I was being interviewed by Roger Rogerson while a Vietnamese woman painted my finger- and toe-nails. I read four back issues of the trashiest gossip magazines I could lay my hands on. (more…)

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